The proposed dessert would instead reveal a blue filling if the cold weather is expected to continue, with pink frosting ...
This year, we can expect a family affair because this will be Phil's first Groundhog Day as a father. Last spring, Phil and ...
WJAC provides news, weather and sports information for Johnstown, Altoona, State College and DuBois, Pennsylvania. Our ...
If the weather-predicting groundhog sees his shadow, it allegedly means six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, it means an ...
If you're planning on catching a glimpse of Punxsutawney Phil this Sunday, you'll need to set your alarms early!
Staten Island Chuck (a.k.a Charles G. Hogg) is the borough’s resident groundhog. He lives at the Staten Island Zoo in West ...
PETA sent a letter to The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club’s president, Tom Dunkel, asking if they can replace the animal with a weather reveal cake instead.
Over the years, looking to Pennsylvania’s most famous rodent to tell us when we can usher in spring has become a tradition. But, how often is Punxsutawney Phil right?
NYC’s favorite rodent (after Pizza Rat) is back and ready to predict the weather! Groundhog Chuck is almost set to emerge ...
In the early morning hours on Feb. 2, furry forecaster Punxsutawney Phil and his Inner Circle will face a massive crowd of “Phans” as the famous groundhog predicts ...
We could piggyback on the Pennsylvania Feb. 2 Groundhog Day hype by naming our groundhog as the one and only “Meeker ...