The series follows the lives of workers at a fictional sketch show in New York City, based on Fey's time working on Saturday ...
William Bendix and Pert Lugene Sanders from sitcom "The Life of Riley." Bettmann Archive. The revival or the reboot. Either ...
Let's look at the 10 underrated TV shows of this year that deserved more love and attention including Presumed Innocent, ...
ABC just revealed its mid-season lineup, and Tim Allen's newest sitcom, SHIFTING GEARS, will premiere early next year.
From Netflix's 'American Primeval' to Hulu's 'Paradise' and new Spider-Man on Disney+, these shows will ease you into the new ...
Going Dutch” stars Denis Leary — also an executive producer, alongside his son Jack — as Colonel Patrick Quinn, a career officer who finds himself exiled to Stroopsdorf, “the least important army base ...
Linda Lavin, a Tony Award-winning stage actress who became a working class icon as a paper-hat wearing waitress on the TV sitcom "Alice," has died. She was 87.
She was chosen to star in a new CBS sitcom based on “Alice Doesn’t ... She sang in nightclubs and in ensembles of shows. Iconic producer and director Hal Prince gave Lavin her first big ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Linda Lavin, a Tony Award-winning stage actress who became a working class icon as a paper-hat wearing ...