Kayleigh “Kmoy” Malloy of Kmoy chats The Precure Album, its vinyl re-release, filling out the band, and more on the In Defense of Ska podcast.
Maybe it’s sold out, maybe it’s five times more expensive than you’re willing to pay, or maybe your local vinyl store refuses to carry anything other than David Bowie — he has sold the ...
The perfect balm for these dreary winter days is cozying up on the couch with your favorite music -- and nothing compares to listening on vinyl. Tech and music enthusiasts agree that vinyl ...
The two bands have also gotten together to release a new collaborative six-song LP called Savage Imperial Death March, but it’s vinyl-only, and it’s already sold out. The Melvins and Napalm ...
Then, of course, there was the mixtape. Lovingly compiled over weeks ... to share the songs that are important to you. If you own vinyl records, try playing them while recording with a blank ...
The FESTAC mixtape is an incredible compilation of spoken words, recitations, interviews, and music. The idea is not to present a neat sum total of the FESTAC experience. Instead, listeners or readers ...