Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil has signed a contract with Russia's Internexco for the temporary export for conversion and ...
Resurgent interest in atomic power means the world’s second-biggest provider of enriched uranium is expanding even in Germany ...
T here is a fairly popular idea circulating the Internet that a single gram of uranium contains about 20 billion calories, ...
A recently declassified geological survey suggests that China may have far more thorium than previously estimated, placing ...
Backers of small modular reactors say the technology will eventually be cheaper and faster than today's nuclear power plants ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
As the nuclear reactor “burns” U-235, the concentration of U-235 decreases while radioactive by-products such as fissile plutonium increase. Eventually, the nuclear chain reaction can no longer be ...
Perhaps most importantly, Germany developed gas centrifuges, which are more efficient than calutrons and gaseous diffusion ...
Iran now has enough 60 percent enriched uranium – which can be quickly increased to the weapons-grade 90 percent enrichment -- to create six nuclear weapons, the IAEA reported.
Iran’s 60% level enriched uranium had increased to 275 kilograms, an increase of approximately one full nuclear weapon’s ...
Kairos Power is working with the Low Enriched Fuel Fabrication Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory to manufacture fuel ...
Siemens Energy will be the sole supplier of steam turbines, generators and other auxiliary systems for Rolls Royce's future ...