This heavier isotope is now known as deuterium. Water (H 2 0), as you are likely painfully aware from school, is an inorganic compound comprised of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
The Earth possesses virtually inexhaustible reserves of the raw materials—deuterium and tritium—essential for a fusion ...
Cellular metabolism plays a critical role in various physiological and pathological processes. High resolution imaging of ...
By analyzing the D/H ratio–the proportion of heavy hydrogen (deuterium) to standard hydrogen–scientists found that Earth's water more closely matches that of "carbonaceous" asteroids ...
CCC will facilitate critical aspects of the contracting process, including the management of milestone payments, and together ...
Canada plans to advance its nuclear technologies by focusing on its signature CANDU reactors and developing small modular ...
Chinese scientists sustain plasma at 100 million degrees C for 1,066 seconds in EAST, advancing nuclear fusion research.
If we achieve advanced nuclear, antimatter propulsion or other advance propulsion it would be possible to achieve near constant acceleration. This would ...