and directed by Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's 11), the upcoming thriller stars the X-Men actor Fassbender as George Woodhouse, an intelligence operative tasked with finding out whether his beloved ...
Fassbender is renowned intelligence officer George Woodhouse, who must choose between loyalty to his marriage or his country after his wife Kathryn (Blanchett) is exposed as a possible suspect in ...
Blanchett and Fassbender play Kathryn and George Woodhouse, married spies whose relationship is put to the test when Kathryn becomes a suspect in a security breach that puts thousands of lives at ...
“Black Bag is a gripping spy drama about legendary intelligence agents George Woodhouse and his beloved wife Kathryn. When she is suspected of betraying the nation, George faces the ultimate ...
The first trailer for Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender 's new spy thriller Black Bag has been unveiled. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the upcoming film stars Blanchett and Fassbender as husband ...