香港美容業總會創會主席葉世雄表示,就舒適堡全線暫時結業事件,總會都有收到消費者的求助,但涉及的求助數字及金額沒有作正式統計。 葉世雄在本台節目《千禧年代》說,總會有一個名為「美容消費安全網」機制,可由其他美容院幫忙完成結業美容院未能提供的療程,但今次舒適堡事件與過往不同,以往結業個案中,總會都無法聯絡到涉事經營者,不過總會一直能聯絡舒適堡經營者,對方給予的信號是會盡快重開,並無條件向消費者提供療程 ...
港股開市靠穩,恒生指數競價時段報17177點,升68點,升幅0.4%。 科技指數報3479點,升28點,升幅0.84%。
香山論壇今日起在北京一連三日舉行,超過90個國家和國際組織代表團的500多名代表及200多名中外專家學者將圍繞「共築和平、共享未來」主題分享觀點看法。 美國國防部負責中國事務的副助理部長蔡斯率團與會,規格較去年高。
Peru's Alberto Fujimori, who died on Wednesday at the age of 86, was a one-time university dean who rose to wage a bloody ...
連鎖健身美容集團舒適堡上星期全線暫時結業,海關拘捕兩名舒適堡董事,涉嫌違反商品說明條例,據了解,一男一女被捕人是「舒適堡」的創辦人。海關說,截至今早7時,共接獲1357宗舉報,涉及預繳健身及美容金額超過7000萬元,海關並已聯絡超過500名舉報人了解 ...
Our main evening newscast. Weekdays 18:00 - 18:30. RTHK's lunchtime bulletin. RTHK's weekly podcast on the latest tech news ...
Spain's Carlos Alcaraz returned to action after his shock US Open loss to help his country get off to a winning start in the ...
Australian hockey player Tom Craig has been banned for 12 months following his arrest during the Paris Olympics last month on ...
North Korea fired multiple short range ballistic missiles into waters east of the Korean peninsula Thursday, Seoul's military ...
Travis Head made a valuable 59 and leg-spinner Adam Zampa took two cheap wickets as Australia beat England by 28 runs in the ...
Kylian Mbappé's entourage said on Wednesday they had refused the French football league's (LFP) offer to act as a mediator ...
秘魯前總統藤森逝世,終年86歲。 藤森的子女在社交平台表示,父親不敵癌魔病逝。 藤森在1990年至2000年出任秘魯總統,2009年因反人類罪被判監25年,他去年12月因人道主義理由獲釋。 法新社引述消息說,藤森早前完成癌症治療後,健康迅速惡化。