It is to be noted that some of these laws become applicable, eg, laws related to Provident Fund and ESIC only upon the business undertaking reaching a minimum threshold number of employees – these ...
Elite US law firms are stocking up on antitrust expertise as the Federal Trade Commission cracks down on enforcement. Barnaby Merrill speaks to top practitioners about the current deal landscape and ...
In Kenya, the Employment Act, 2007 (‘the Employment Act’) mandates fair and objective recruitment based on qualifications. Expatriates are required to obtain work permits under the Kenya Citizenship ...
Stuart Ponting, partner at Walker Morris, discusses the top three tips for lawyers’ ethical obligations and how to ensure the business is following their lead. Recent events and scandals have ...
Generative AI is set to transform the way in-house lawyers work. Legal 500 London editor Cameron Purse moderated a recent panel discussion in Edinburgh sponsored by Addleshaw Goddard in which Candice ...
Tilegal’s Savaş İnandıoğlu and Nil Tütüncüoğlu outline the general legal overview of cargo insurance in light of the incidents occurring in the Red Sea. Are war and strike risks generally covered in ...
Class actions are a rapidly developing phenomenon in the UK, with an increase in the number and complexity of claims being brought by groups of consumers, investors, employees, and other stakeholders ...
Linklaters explore four key ESG themes that will have a significant impact on businesses globally in 2024: transition plans and transition finance; sustainability disclosure regimes; human rights and ...
Since China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001, China has been making significant efforts to comply with its WTO commitments and has been progressively opening the Chinese ...
1. Can you provide guidance on the process for terminating an employment contract in Cyprus, including any legal requirements and potential risks? For a dismissal to be considered lawful without the ...
1. What are the key employment laws and regulations in Morocco that employers and employees should be aware of? Both employers and employees are expected to be aware of their rights and obligations ...
Today’s dynamic and digitalised business environment obliges companies to protect its workforce, confidential information and trade connections; and a common way is to rely on non-compete clauses in ...