Coira è la città più antica della Svizzera, con una storia di insediamenti che risale a più di 13000 fa. Il centro storico è assolutamente da visitare ed è interamente pedonale. Garantisce un’offerta ...
Wir werden im Hotel 'La Couronne' einen wunderschönen Tanzball organisieren mit toller Live-Musik. Begleitet wird dieser Anlass mit einem Apéro, einem passenden 3-Gang-Nachtessen inkl. Dessert.
High up on the roof of the venerable Hotel Schweizerhof Bern, colonies of bees are hard at work. They forage for nectar in Bern’s gardens, balconies and avenues and look out over the famous Sky ...
The Alpine pass and the legendary Great St. Bernard Hospice symbolise the hospitality shown by the monks to travellers over the centuries. Barry, the large and good-natured St. Bernard dog, is famous ...
5 crystal clear mountain lakes and spectacular views of the Alps of Eastern Switzerland are the highlights of the mountain walk from the Pizolhütte to Gaffia. The 5-lake walk on the Pizol is one of ...
The journey into the mountains begins with the underground funicular railway to Sunnegga (2,288 metres above sea level). This was the first funicular in Switzerland to travel entirely inside a tunnel.
Within just 15 minutes, you will get whisked from the valley floor to 3k altitudes – no switching required. At the top, you will surely notice the summit station designed by Swiss architect Mario ...
La frontière verte entre la Suisse et la France: d’un côté le Doubs forme une frontière naturelle, de l’autre, il offre un paysage fluvial verdoyant féérique unique en Suisse de par son authenticité.
Les célèbres pyramides d’Euseigne, des formations de moraine en forme de colonnes coiffées d’un rocher, constituent la porte d’entrée vers le Val d’Hérens. Cette vallée verdoyante en forme d’auge est ...
Il lago dalle acque di colore verde turchese si trova, come il vicino Lago di Thun, nel cuore dell’imponente panorama montano dell’Oberland bernese. È qui che il battello a vapore a pale «Lötschberg» ...
Entdecke am Samstag 5. Oktober 2024 die vielfältigen Angebote der Textilstrasse Uster! Fünf Geschäfte an der Bahnhofstrasse ...
Musik zum Abheben, eine spannende Story und viel Hokuspokus – «Die kleine Hexe» fliegt ab Oktober 2024 durch die ganze ...