Pirfenidone is associated with a decreased risk for lung cancer in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).
In the era of DOACs, risk for CTEPH following pulmonary embolism is affected by multiple factors, including gender and heart load.
Increasing average concentrations of sotatercept improved 6-minute walk distance, pulmonary vascular resistance, and levels of NT-proBNP.
Norovirus, often coined the “cruise ship virus,” causes more than 90% of diarrheal disease outbreaks on cruise ships, ...
Moderate alcohol consumption and eating oily fish, fruits, and cereals may reduce the risk for rheumatoid arthritis.
Guodong Ding, Ph.D., M.D., from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, and colleagues analyzed temporal changes in the prevalence of nonsupine sleep position among U.S. infants at 4, 6, 9, and 12 ...
Lung diseases most commonly associated with adverse drug reactions were ILD (51.0%), pulmonary edema (15.6%), and pulmonary ...
Miami native Larry Luxner, a veteran journalist and photographer, has reported from more than 100 countries in Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia for a variety of news ...
Drew Harris, MD (left), visits retired coal miner Paul White at his home in Evarts, Kentucky. White, 62, has progressive massive fibrosis. (Photo courtesy of Drew Harris) The incidence of so-called ...
ARDS survival was significantly predicted by improvement in the P/F ratio in patients who underwent 3 periods of prone ...
The risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ICU is less in those ...