The administration and others are noticing the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund program's runaway costs. What do they say needs to happen now, and how far down the road is it?
Who are the largest workers' comp carriers in the nation? How have their appetites for workers' comp changed over the year?
California legislators submitted proposed legislation up to the deadline for introducing bills for the first year of this two-year session. Among the final workers’ comp bills introduced for the year ...
What is the overlap between state workers' comp laws and federal maritime law? Where does this case involving a yacht club and an injured maintenance worker go next?
What is the proper process for challenging the denial of disability retirement benefits for an injured public safety officer? The Second District addresses the issue in this recent decision in favor ...
It's déjà vu all over again for a pair of workers' comp bills. What are the topics that have been brought back to life?