Why are there multiple lines in the hydrogen line spectrum?
Jul 3, 2013 · Although hydrogen has only one electron, it contains many energy levels. When its electron jumps from higher energy level to a lower one, it releases a photon. Those photons cause different colours of light of different wavelengths due to the different levels.
Why only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum is visible?
Jun 27, 2024 · The limits of the visible spectrum for humans are not well defined; rather, they are spectrums themselves. Colour vision is the outcome of combining signals from three visual pigment types within cones: red, green, and blue, which correlate to cone types L, M, and S (RGB-LMS), respectively.
What effect does hydrogen bonding have on H NMR spectra?
Jul 14, 2017 · Hydrogen bonding is well known to cause large changes in chemical shift values– this is evident if you look up the chemical shift of an alcohol in a data-book (for an aliphatic alcohol this is anywhere between 0.5 and ca. 6.0 ppm depending on solvent/concentration), where a large range of values are given.
Why does hydrogen burn with a pale blue flame while its emission ...
Apr 11, 2021 · A flame is a luminous gas phase chemical reaction where the hydrogen atoms are combining with oxygen atoms. It is a chemiluminescence phenomenon. A discharge tube emission is an atomic emission. You posted a picture of a hydrogen spectrum from a discharge tube which consists of discrete lines in the UV, visible, and IR regions.
atomic structure - hydrogen spectrum - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Nov 29, 2020 · In the spectrum of atomic hydrogen, several lines are generally classified together as belonging to a series (for example, Balmer series, Lyman series, Paschen series), What is common to the lines within a series that makes grouping them together logical? The answers say that each series has a different lower energy level, can anyone pls explain
hydrogen - How many peaks of HCl are found in a mass spectrum ...
Sep 10, 2017 · In a mass spectrometer some hydrogen chloride molecules will split into atoms. Chlorine has two isotopes. The hydrogen involved here is the isotope $\ce{^1_1H}$ only. How many peaks does a mass spectrum will show? My answer was two with $\ce{H^35Cl}$ and $\ce{H^37Cl}$ but I found the answer to be wrong. Where have I been deceived?
Is the Hydrogen spectrum only an emission spectrum?
Oct 22, 2020 · In a statement question it was stated that hydrogen spectrum is an emission spectrum and the scheme considered it to be ture. But my argument is that it can be both emission and abosorption spectrum. Please tell me whether I am correct.
spectroscopy - Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen and Helium?
Jan 27, 2017 · (The energy levels of hydrogen is on the right of the diagram for comparison.) Here, the azimuthal quantum number has an effect on the energy of the energy levels, which makes for more possible differences between energy levels, which makes for more lines as well as different on the emission spectrum.
Difference between continuous and line spectrum of hydrogen
Sep 16, 2016 · Why does the hydrogen spectrum have so few, widely spaced peaks? Why do spectral peaks have width? Here are answers: Quantum mechanics dictates that the energy levels of atomic hydrogen are discrete--just from the way the math works out. The reason why hydrogen's peaks are so spaced out is that it has so few degrees of freedom (just the one ...
spectroscopy - Absorption spectrum of Hydrogen molecule in UV …
Being a homonuclear diatomic molecule, molecular hydrogen does not posses a pure rotational of vibrational (electric dipole) spectrum. The lowest excited singlet state is the B state (for historical reasons there is no A state in H$_2$) and transitions from this state to the X ground state are known as the Lyman band which starts around 120 nm ...